• Presenting

    KMD - Klinikum Mannheim Dienstleistungsgesellschaft

Project summary

KMD automated identification system

KMD is responsible for the internal supply of medical goods at the hospital of Mannheim. In order to increase the efficiency the process will be reorganized to reduce the amount of new and unused goods which have to be disposed due to their expiration date. Hence it is necessary to handle single articles instead of whole packages. This project aims at two objectives. Firstly, a system is needed to automatically collect the master data of all single articles which is often not available. Secondly, the tracking of the consumption of articles on a mobile care cart is necessary. This includes the evaluation of different recognition approaches based on computer vision.


KMD provides services in the cleaning, transportation and catering sector. Our employees work together on continuously improving the concept of providing services. Teamwork and lifelong learning for the good of our patients define our daily business. The highest standards for hygiene and quality, which comply with the legal requirements, guide our actions.

Contribution from RTOs

Fraunhofer IPA

  • Market research for master data collection systems
  • Evaluation of3D computervisionapproachesforrecognitionofmedicalgoods
  • Ideas for a recognition system fusing 2D and 3D data



  • Evaluation of 2D computer vision approaches for recognition of medical goods
  • Ideas for a recognition system fusing 2D and 3D data

Impact (expected)

The voucher work is expected to enable KMD to use a system for automated collection of master data of single medical articles. Additionally the system should generate a model for identification of the articles in later steps of the care process. Hence it is an ideal extension to the intelligent supply cart SeRoDi which supports the nursing staff at health care facilities.

The voucher work will create the foundation for a new supply system of medical goods in the hospital which leads to a great reduction of the number of disposed but unused goods. It is a step towards a fully automated supply chain of medical goods in the hospital which helps to keep the hospital treatment on a high quality while reducing costs. Thereby saving approximately 450000 € a year.
